Fixed an Oracle null value problem.
February 4, 2025Fixed an infomix date problem.
January 27, 2025Fixed an informix date/time problem.
January 13, 2025Fixed a PostgreSQL problem.
January 4, 2025Fixed a DB2 SSL problem.
December 17, 2024Fixed a default value problem.
December 11, 2024Fixed a MySQL string option problem.
December 5, 2024Fixed a foreign key problem.
November 29, 2024Fixed a MS-Azure problem.
November 15, 2024Fixed an Informix problem.
November 9, 2024Fixed a MySQL character-set problem.
November 4, 2024Made some optimizations.
October 19, 2024Fixed an Oracle index problem.
September 20, 2024Fixed a jsonb problem for PostgreSQL.
September 6, 2024Improved Oracle migration.
September 2, 2024Fixed a charset problem for MySQL.
August 27, 2024Fixed a SQL Server index problem.
August 19, 2024Fixed a MySQL collate problem.
August 1, 2024Fixed a MariaDB/MySQL boolean bug.
July 27, 2024Fixed a default value problem for DB2.
July 15, 2024Fixed a SQL Server index problem.
July 2, 2024Fixed a Oracle foreign keys problem.
June 26, 2024Fixed a command line bug.
June 25, 2024Fixed an old ODBC driver problem for SQL Server text.
June 21, 2024Fixed a Firebird date problem.
June 11, 2024Fixed Null value and Oracle LOB problem.
May 29, 2024Fixed a field mapping bug.
May 21, 2024Improved performance.
April 10, 2024Fixed a MySQL problem.
March 13, 2024Fixed a CSV memo problem.
March 5, 2024Fixed a float problem.
February 22, 2024Fixed a number precison problem.
February 4, 2024Fixed a MySQL autocrement zero(0) value problem.
December 26, 2023Fixed a datetime bug.
December 1, 2023Add collate supporting for MySQL/MariaDB.
November 19, 2023Fixed a SQLite problem.
October 18, 2023Optimized transform dialog.
October 10, 2023Improved PostgreSQL migration.
September 4, 2023Fixed a MySQL/Mariadb blob problem.
August 31, 2023Fixed a zero time problem.
August 29, 2023Fixed a money format bug for PostgreSQL.
July 20, 2023Fixed a backslashes problem for MySQL/MariaDB
June 16, 2023Fixed SQLite autoincrement problem.
May 22, 2023Fixed a MySQL bug.
April 7, 2023Fixed a migration job problem.
April 5, 2023Fixed a SQL Server boolean bug.
March 31, 2023Fixed a indentity and IBM Informix problem.
March 24, 2023Fixed a DB2 bug.
March 22, 2023Fixed a firebird float problem.
March 16, 2023Fixed a MySQL character-set problem.
March 10, 2023Fixed MySQL and PostgreSQL blob bugs.
March 7, 2023Fixed some problems.
February 26, 2023Improved migration performance.
February 11, 2023Fixed an BIT data type problem.
February 7, 2023Fixed a MySQL auto-increment bug.
January 24, 2023Fixed a geometry problem.
January 17, 2023Fixed an Oracle encoding problem.
December 5, 2022Add spatial supporting for SQL Server migration.
October 21, 2022Fixed an Excel problem.
October 12, 2022Fixed a CSV/Text encoding problem.
September 30, 2022Updated EULA.
September 24, 2022Fixed an ADO bug.
August 5, 2022Fixed a MySQL auto_increment and foreign key problem.
July 29, 2022Fixed an Oracle character bug.
July 8, 2022Fixed a datetime bug.
February 22, 2022Fixed a firebird index problem.
February 14, 2022Fxied a LOB problem for Oracle 21c.
January 30, 2022Fixed a MySQL binary problem.
January 17, 2022Fixed a DB2 blob problem.
January 14, 2022Fixed a SQL Server varbinary(max) bug.
January 3, 2022Bugs fixed.
October 27, 2021Fixed DB2 XML bug.
October 13, 2021Upgrade to firebird 4.0
August 30, 2021Fiexed a PostgreSQL OID problem.
August 23, 2021Added link table supporting for MS-Access.
July 29, 2021Add Authentication options for Azure.
July 14, 2021Fixed a SQL Server varchar(max) bug.
June 22, 2021Fixed a MySQL binary data bug.
June 19, 2021Fixed a number problem.
May 20, 2021Fixed a default value problem.
May 5, 2021Fixed some informix problem.
April 23, 2021Fixed a CSV problem.
April 7, 2021Fixed an Informix prolem.
March 5, 2021Fixed some GUI problems.
February 10, 2021Fixed a DB2 ODBC driver problem.
February 5, 2021Fixed an ODBC key problem.
January 8, 2021Fixed some bugs.
November 6, 2020Fixed a datetime problem.
October 15, 2020Changed open mode for Foxpro.
October 1, 2020Fixed a default value problem.
August 10, 2020Fixed a null value bug.
July 23, 2020Add JSON supporting and fixed a PostgreSQL bug.
July 18, 2020Add change RECOVERY mode for SQL Server migration.
May 13, 2020Fixed a DB2 primary key bug.
April 26, 2020Fixed some bugs and improved performance.
April 24, 2020Added SQLite virtual table supporting.
April 20, 2020Fixed an MySqL/MariaDB auto_increment problem.
March 21, 2020Fixed a binary bug!
March 12, 2020Fixed a geometry problem for MySQL.
February 14, 2020Improved migration speed!
February 11, 2020Fixed a command line problem.
February 1, 2020Fixed a bug for migrating from MySQL.
January 18, 2020Fixed a Firebird timestamp millisecond problem.
December 19, 2019Fixed a default GUID value for SQL Server and MS Access.
November 27, 2019Fixed a bug for Oracle Number data type.
November 22, 2019Migrates binary data to Base64-encode for CSV.
November 21, 2019Fixed a CSV binary data problem.
November 10, 2019Changed the command line program file name from esf-cmd.exe to DMTC.exe
November 2, 2019Fixed an identity problem.
September 13, 2019Move site from to We have a more suitable domain name now!
September 12, 2019Fixed a MySQL datetime default value problem and PostgreSQL authentication problem.
August 20, 2019Improved query speed for MySQL large table.
July 31, 2019Fixed a Firebird decimal bug.
July 24, 2019Fixed a MySQL/MariaDB datetime problem and add MySQL/MariaDB caching_sha2_password supporting.
June 19, 2019Fixed a timestamp problem.
June 5, 2019Fixed some bugs for DB2 zOS
May 28, 2019Fixed a foreign key bug.
May 16, 2019Fixed a IDENTITY_INSERT problem for SQL azure.
May 6, 2019Improved for SQL Server.
April 27, 2019Improved for MS Access/Excel
April 19, 2019Fixed an Oracle data type bug.
March 26, 2019Fixed a varbinary(max) bug for SQL Server.
March 20, 2019Fixed a Firebird numeric bug.
January 18, 2019Fixed a DB2 load bug.
January 8, 2019Fixed a SQL Server nvarchar(max) bug.
January 3, 2019Fixed a MySQL varbinary bug.
December 8, 2018Fixed a SQL Server identity problem.
October 30, 2018Fixed a SQL Server timestamp problem.
October 26, 2018Added "Statement Timeout" option for PostgreSQL.
October 20, 2018Fixed a MySQL float problem.
October 18, 2018Fixed a SQL Server problem.
August 20, 2018Fixed a firebird blob bug.
August 8, 2018Fixed a OLE data problem.
April 24, 2018Fixed a field mapping problem.
April 9, 2018Add IDENTITY option in Transform dialog.
February 20, 2018Fixed a SQLite decimal bug.
December 19, 2017Fixed firebird milliseconds problem.
November 18, 2017Fixed a Firebird decimal problem.
October 27, 2017Fixed a InterSystem Cache problem.
August 23, 2017Fixed a SQLite int64 problem.
July 1, 2017Fixed a Oracle geometry and XML problem.
May 7, 2017Supports extract object from MS Access OLE field.
April 26, 2017Fixed some bugs.
February 2, 2017Fixed an Oracle number bug.
January 20, 2017Fixed an indexes problem.
January 17, 2017Fixed a Oracle date bug.
January 14, 2017Fixed a default value problem for SQL Server
December 21, 2016Fixed a MySQL problem.
November 30, 2016Fixed a Oracle number bug.
November 10, 2016Fixed a DB2 migration problem.
September 16, 2016Fixed a PostgreSQL XML migration problem.
August 6, 2016Fixed a MySQL auto-increment bug.
August 3, 2016Add postgresql materialized view supporting.
July 19, 2016Fixed a PostgreSQL migration bug.
July 15, 2016Fixed some bugs.
April 18, 2016Remove CSV/Text file extension from table name.
March 4, 2016Fixed a DB2 decimal bug.
February 24, 2016Fixed a smalldatetime type bug for SQL Server.
February 23, 2016Fixed an Informix bug.
February 10, 2016Fixed a MySQL secure authentication problem.
January 23, 2016Fixed a DB2 indexes problem.
November 25, 2015Fixed a string problem for SQL Server.
November 11, 2015Fixed an encoding problem for SQL Server.
November 4, 2015Fixed a field name length problem.
October 30, 2015Fixed a numeric without precision problem.
September 17, 2015Fixed a bug for rows count.
August 15, 2015Fixed a PostgreSQL character-set problem.
August 12, 2015Add data type mapping for Informix.
August 7, 2015Fixed a firebird string bug.
August 1, 2015Add 64-bit platform supporting and fixed some bug.
July 4, 2015Fixed a SQLite datetime problem.
May 1, 2015Fixed a MySQL primary key bug.
April 30, 2015Fixed a NULL value bug for SQL Server.
April 24, 2015Fixed some bugs for Informix 7.3
April 11, 2015Fixed an Informix datetime bug.
April 7, 2015Fixed PostgreSQL index and foreign key bug.
April 1, 2015Fixed an Informix locale bug.
March 25, 2015Fixed a SQL Server datetime bug.
March 2, 2015Fixed a SQL Server index problem.
February 25, 2015Fixed an auto-increment bug.
February 21, 2015Fixed and index bug.
February 5, 2015Fixed a Informix bug.
January 17, 2015Fixed a SQL Azure bug.
November 28, 2014Fixed a binary to GUID problem.
October 30, 2014Added XML supporting for PosrgreSQL migration.
October 10, 2014Fixed a SQL Server bug.
October 7, 2014Fixed a SQL Server geography problem.
September 23, 2014Fixed a informix BLOB/Text bug.
September 11, 2014Fixed a ms access bug.
May 26, 2014Fixed a command-line problem.
April 20, 2014Fixed a Firebird foreign key problem.
April 17, 2014Add resize window feature.
April 4, 2014Fixed a blob bug.
March 29, 2014Fixed empty string/null value problem.
March 26, 2014Fixed a foreign key bug.
March 19, 2014Fixed a SQL Server connection problem.
March 5, 2014Fixed an auto-increment problem.
February 12, 2014Fixed a Oracle number bug.
January 30, 2014Fixed a MySQL bigint and float bug.
January 1, 2014Fixed a dBase bug.
December 20, 2013Fixed a number bug.
December 14, 2013Fixed a MySQL constraint problem.
November 27, 2013Fixed a Firebird table name problem.
October 27, 2013Fixed Access OLE DB Provider problem.
October 23, 2013Fixed a PostgreSQL numeric problem.
September 19, 2013Add "Skip Table" option. If the target table exists, using the option to skip migrate the table.
July 28, 2013Fixed a paradox index bug.
July 17, 2013Fixed a DB2 character set bug
July 12, 2013Fixed a SQL Server foreign key bug.
July 9, 2013Fixed a SQL Server primary key bug.
July 8, 2013Fixed a mysql foreign key bug.
July 3, 2013Add domain type supporting for PostgreSQL.
June 20, 2013Fixed a primary key problem.
June 5, 2013Fixed a SQL Server BLOB length bug.
May 28, 2013Add foreign keys supporting for SQLite migration.
May 15, 2013Fixed a sql server recovery model problem.
May 7, 2013Fixed a foreign key bug.
May 6, 2013Fixed a bug for Oracle foreign keys.
May 4, 2013Fixed a connect bug for SQL Server Azure.
March 15, 2013Fixed a primary key bug for SQL Server.
February 27, 2013Improved firebird migration speed.
February 24, 2013Fixed a MySQL character-set problem.
February 12, 2013Fixed a index bug
February 6, 2013Fixed a time bug.
January 28, 2013Fixed a MySQL index bug.
January 15, 2013Fixed a bug for SQL Server index.
January 12, 2013Fixed a bug for command line mode.
January 9, 2013Fixed a bug for MySQL bit.
January 5, 2013Add geometry data type support for Oracle,PostgreSQL,MySQL.
January 1, 2013Fixed a GUID data type bug for MS-Access and PostgreSQL.
December 19, 2012Improved Oracle migration/rename migration job file extension to .mjf.
November 29, 2012Fixed a SQL Server index bug, and improved Oracle query.
November 6, 2012Fixed a primary key bug for SQLite.
October 13, 2012Fixed a SQLite int data type bug.
July 3, 2012Fixed an NCLOB bug for Oracle migration.
June 20, 2012Fixed a load job bug.
June 16, 2012Fixed a timestamp bug for DB2 migration
June 12, 2012Fixed a char data type bug for DB2.
May 31, 2012Fixed a data type bug for PostgreSQL
May 28, 2012Fixed a DB2 bug.
May 1, 2012Fixed an auto-increment bug for MySQL.
April 26, 2012Fixed a foreign key bug.
April 23, 2012Fixed a bytea bug for PostgreSQL 9.0
April 19, 2012Fixed an number bug for Oracle migration.
April 14, 2012Fixed a log bug.
March 31, 2012Fixed a NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 bug for Oracle migration.
February 27, 2012Fixed an UNSIGNED data type bug for MySQL migration.
January 31, 2012Fixed a bug for Oracle LOB data type.
January 25, 2012Supporting "Workgroup"(System Database) for MS Access.
January 21, 2012Fixed a mysql migration bug.
December 30, 2011Fixed a bit/bit varying for PostgreSQL.
December 12, 2011Add "Log Setting" and "Custom Select" features.
December 10, 2011Fixed a bug for PostgreSQL migration.
December 9, 2011Add "OID as BLOB" for PostgreSQL migration and "Open Log" features.
December 7, 2011Fixed an Oracle number bug.
December 4, 2011Fixed a bug for PostgreSQL bytea data type.
November 16, 2011Fixed an UDT bug for SQL Server.
November 12, 2011Fixed a MySQL primary key bug.
October 28, 2011Fixed an null LOB bug for Oracle migration.
October 16, 2011Fixed a BLOB bug for PostgreSQL 9.1 migration.
September 26, 2011Fixed a bug for migrate Oracle null number data.
September 23, 2011Fixed a SQL Server migrate bug and an Oracle long data type bug.
September 7, 2011Fixed a bug for SQL Server 2000.
September 1, 2011Fixed a LONG RAW bug for Oracle.
July 30, 2011Fixed an Oracle data type bug.
July 26, 2011Fixed Information SERIAL data type bug.
July 20, 2011Fixed a firebird migration bug.
May 16, 2011Generate auto-inrement field for FireBird.
May 1, 2011Fixed a date bug for MS Access.
April 27, 2011Fixed a bug for SQL Server ntext data type.
April 19, 2011Supporting MS Access/Excel 2010 now.
March 23, 2011Fixed a foreign key bug for SQl Server.
March 8, 2011Improved MySQL migration speed.
March 5, 2011Improved IBM DB2 migration speed!
February 25, 2011Improved SQL Server migration speed!
February 14, 2011Improved Oracle migration speed.
February 12, 2011Improved PostgreSQL migration speed.
December 21, 2010Fixed a NUMBER bug for Oracle.
December 4, 2010Fixed a bug for SQLite.
October 30, 2010Fixed a datetime bug.
October 8, 2010Fixed an Informix bug.
September 23, 2010Fixed a bug for create IBM DB2 index.
September 15, 2010Add schema supporting for Informix and fixed a bug for FireBird.
August 19, 2010Fixed a timestamp bug for IBM DB2, and added locale setting for Informix.
August 5, 2010Improved migration speed.
July 21, 2010Add InterSystems Caché Migration supporting.
May 2, 2010Fixed a numeric bug for FireBird.
April 25, 2010Add XMLType supporting for Oracle.
March 20, 2010Add table/field comments supporting.
March 4, 2010Add IBM Informix Database conversion supporting.
February 28, 2010Improved conversion speed!
February 2, 2010Fixed a bug for PostgreSQL migration(Varchar be transferred to Text bug)
January 29, 2010Using sequence and trigger to generate auto-increment number for Oracle.
January 20, 2010Fixed an Oracle NClob migration bug.
January 7, 2010Add secure connection(SSL) supporting.
January 3, 2010Fixed a BLOB bug for SQL Server and MS Access.
December 13, 2009Add Teradata supporting. Now we can transfer data from/to Teradata database.
November 5, 2009Fixed datetime bug. Now supporting new data types(XML, datetime2, datetimeoffset) of SQL Server.
October 30, 2009Improved command-line. Now we can change job information in command, or just using command to migrate database without job file.
October 22, 2009Fixed CLOB bug for Oracle Migration.
October 6, 2009Add choose character-set for MySQL&PostgreSQL data source and fixed a bug when overwrite Access&Excel table.
September 24, 2009Add choose character-set feature for FireBird/Interbase Migration.
September 10, 2009Fixed getting record count bug for SQL Server.
August 28, 2009Fxied filter data bug.
August 22, 2009Fixed bug for Oracle LONG/LONG RAW data type r/w.
August 6, 2009Fixed Oracle connection string and Character-Set bugs.
July 23, 2009Fixed foreign key constraint bugs.
July 5, 2009German & Spanish localization.
June 4, 2009Fixed bug for Oracle Migration
May 29, 2009Improved migration speed for SQL Server.
May 27, 2009Fixed a data type bug(tinyint) for SQL Server.
May 19, 2009Fixed constraints bug for Access and SQL Server.
May 12, 2009Fixed nulls and default value bugs.
April 3, 2009Fixed a schema bug for Postgresql, and Type name bug for SQL Server.
March 29, 2009Choose sql server driver automation.
March 22, 2009Rename product name to "ESF Database Migration Toolkit", and customs CSV/Text file format in "Setting" Dialog
February 28, 2009Add IBM DB2 conversion supporting.
February 25, 2009Add schema supporting for SQL Server 2005 or higher and PostgreSQL.
January 20, 2009Fixed bugs for Mapping Fields, and improved conversion speed.
January 14, 2009Fixed a bug for Oracle(2 blobs) and improved oracle conversion speed.
January 10, 2009Fixed bugs for SQL Server(null datetime) and SQLite(create index) and improved speed to Oracle.
December 30, 2008Fixed a bug for Oracle, and add NCLOB supporting.
December 23, 2008Add CSV/Text setting page. Now can set CSV Text Indentifer, Separate for conversion.
December 19, 2008Add SQL Server 2008 supporting.
December 6, 2008Fxied postgresql encoding problem.
November 20, 2008Fixed null value bug for FireBird.
November 14, 2008Fixed PostgreSQL serial value and FireBird null value bugs.
November 3, 2008Import! Fixed date, time and currency formats bug for europe customers.
October 19, 2008Fixed some bugs and improved conversion speed.
October 5, 2008Add SQLite database supporting. Now can convert from/to SQLite database.
September 24, 2008Fixed a bug for short datetime value and add some features.
August 1, 2008Fixed a bug for Oracle converstion and repacketed installtion for access oracle database directly.
July 20, 2008Add data conversion between different character-set supporting. i.e. latin1->utf8 ...
July 11, 2008Fixed a run-time bug when running on WinXP.
June 22, 2008Fixed bug for FireBird decimal data type.
June 12, 2008Add "Load Job" for Professional Edition. Now can load conversion from Job File.
May 28, 2008Add a setting dialog for all conversions.
May 25, 2008Fixed bugs for Firebird & Oracle.
May 2, 2008Fixed a bug for mySQL 6.0 and improved speed.
April 30, 2008Fixed a foreign key problem when changed target field name.
March 31, 2008Redeveloped for Oracle, improved conversion speed for it.
March 18, 2008Add FireBird database supporting.
March 16, 2008Fxied column name contains space characters, character-case in transform dialog and character set bug for MySQL&PostgreSQL.
March 8, 2008Remaped MySQL data type.
February 29, 2008Fixed a problem for postgresql schema.
January 10, 2008Add PostgreSQL schema supporting.
November 13, 2007Support convert 'CREATE DEFAULT' default value & TimeStamp from SQL Server now.
November 8, 2007Now can change default value in transform.
October 20, 2007Add Visual Foxpro, Access 2007 and Excel 2007 conversion.
October 14, 2007Supports foreign-key now.
October 4, 2007Optimized R/W Speed for conversion. Fixed PostgreSQL default value.
November 16, 2006Add InterBase support. Fixed bug when read large data from MySQL or PostgreSQL.
October 27, 2006Change to use Oracle OCI(the old versions use ADO) to mirgate Oracle data. It will done faster&stable then others.
October 14, 2006Add PostgreSQL support, and fixed some bugs.
September 29, 2006Support Microsoft SQL Server 2005 now!
August 1, 2006Import Update: Add a more flexible methods to change destination table and filelds' name.
June 12, 2006Add a "Query Filter" option, use this options, you can filter datas by SQL statement.
May 17, 2006Add "Job" & "Command Line" support. User can create a job then run it via command line. Please view the help file.